
Provider | Maptraq

General Contractor | Maptraq
General Contractor

Subcontractor | Maptraq

Stay Connected

“Simply making it easier”

With Maptraq you are linked together with all of the contractors working on a project, making it easy to issue work and share production.

What We Deliver

We give you insight into how the work is being done in the field at an unprecedented level.

By linking you together your general contractors and each of their subcontractors Maptraq creates a production network that allows you to issue work and then track each Production Reports on every project on a daily basis. Giving you the information you need to verify that projects are on task and on budget – during the construction phase so there are no surprises.

Just Some Of What We Give you

  • Issue, Track, As-Build, and Approve Jobs & Change Orders in one system
  • Receive Standardized Daily Production Reports with GPS locations, photos, time stamps, and tools to verify production is true and accurate
  • Automatically Generate KMZ Files that Upload to Google Earth & Import into AutoCad  Using a WGS84 (EPSG – 4326) Coordinate System
  • New network construction is saved to a single cloud-based system print that is accessible to all System-Techs on a daily basis
  • Materials are tracked from the time the contractor takes possession until the materials are installed
  • Active Job Dashboard allows the Provider to track open PO’s, Job Status, and percentage complete